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Thursday Thoughts

Welcome to the holiday season.. full of places to go and treats to eat and presents to buy. I was in a Christmas play as a child where all the girls sang "I've got two thousand loads of laundry, pies to bake, calls to make, my dishes are piling high!" I'm sure many of us feel this way at this time of year: overwhelmed. We want to make the season meaningful, we think about creating memories, but the execution of such desires never quite pans out the way we think it will.

It's no wonder we often throw our health out the window in December, saying we will pick back up again in the new year.

But this is just where we go wrong.

In the very moment we need energy, vitality and a sharp mind, we are so apt to pile on the carbs and say yes to every dessert we pass, in the spirit of the holidays. What if one of the gifts we gave ourselves and those we love was caring deeply about what we eat, recognizing that our sense of stress will only be heightened as our willpower decreases.

Choose a few things to indulge in, make a game plan, feed your body lots of healthy fats, and get plenty of rest--Santa's elves need sleep too!

Most importantly, take time to enjoy the season. Oh, and always stop and smell the Christmas trees.

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